Faizatun Nisa', M.Pd

Physic Teacher
Co. Planning

State University of Malang 2013 - 2017 Physics State University of Malang 2017 - 2019 Physics

Presenter in The 1st Internasional Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education "The Role of Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education in Improving The 21 Century Skills in Industrial, Revolution 4.0 Era" 

1. Acquisition of projectile motion concepts on phenomenon based physics' experiential learning (jurnal of physics: conference series) IOP Publising

2. Eksplorasi Penguasaan Konsep Gerak Satu dan Dua Dimensi Siswa SMA Negeri Model Terpadu Bojonegoro  (Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan) 

1. Pembina Olimpiade Fisika MTS Negeri 1 Batu (2017) 2. Tentor fisika dan TPA Brits Indonesia (2017-2019) 3. Physics Teacher Tazkia IIBS (2019-sekarang)