"Embroidered Tales" Has Successfully Won the Third Place in National Short Story Competition

Almira Althaff, one of the students of Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) Malang again proved that his writing is worthy of appreciation. Latest, Almira won third place in national writing competition. The category he selected was a short story (Short story). Almira succeeded to set aside 132 other participants in Indonesia with his writings entitled 'Kepung Dongeng yang Tersulam'. & Nbsp;

Tazkia IIBS Malang Senior High School Malang class X tells about his friend's angst that often feel restless with his condition. With his distinctive style, Almira wants to say that everything that happens to man is the scenario of God the Creator. Human tasks are just trying to realize what he envisioned. In the race held by SMAN 1 Ambarawa Lampung, Almira also advised through his short story to not hope in humans. & Nbsp;

All human life is expected to be a tale knitted by yourself. Knitted fairy tale is perfected by the Creator for subsequent run by every creature. "The piece of fairy tale will be easily embroidered, but the perfect is all the Creator," Lamira writes in his short story.

Almira confessed, he is often used as a place to vent by some friends. That's how he began to string up his poem so that it became a short story. "The story was inspired by my friend who often vent about her life," Almira said.

Although the race is held online, it does not reduce the spirit to work through writing. "The race sends short stories via email only, then the announcement also through the website organizers. The announcement Wednesday, January 10, 2018 yesterday, "said Almira. & Nbsp;

His ability to write has been tekuni since junior high. The short story became the work he most tekuni of various kinds of literary works that exist. He claimed to be explore one by one literary works that exist. "Easily can publish their own book," please santri admirer of DEE Lestari author. & Nbsp;

His ability in stringing the word is indeed very slick. According to him, people who like to write should also like to read. That way the vocabulary will be more and easier to write it if there is an idea. "The idea to write usually appear suddenly, so if there is an idea should be written to let me run out of ideas and so forget," he explained. Ustadz Tedy Jatmiko, M. Pd as a companion teacher in this race is not too much contribution in the penulsian of his work. "Everything is done by ananda, and I only corrected very little," Ustadz Niko explains.

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