Congratulations, Tazkia IIBS Malang students won 10 medals in TIMO 2017

Santri Tazkia International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) Malang re-incised international achievement. At least 10 santri Tazkia IIBS Malang managed to come out as champion in the Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad (TIMO) race. Previously Tazkia IIBS students followed the preliminary round followed by 55 rayon malang students.

From the preliminary round one santri on behalf of Tamam Fajar Briliansyah won the gold medal. Two santris on behalf of Muhammad Sabilal Farhan Fiddin and Yasmiin Nazya Mumtaz won the silver medal. Seven santri won bronze. Amalia Khansa, Azizah Alia Nurrahmah, Ikrar Riyas Mutawail Yasin, Muhammad Hadyan Luthfi, Mirza Zihni Aymanullah, Andi Nabhila Artenia Kezia Finelly and Pravangasta Suhainga Balqis Wahyudi.

Ustadz coach of the race, Ustadz Iqbal qalbimina, M. Pd states, preparations have been done long ago. Not only in the class forums, but also provided intensive forums used to prepare students to compete. "Preparation begins before the Final Exam Semester. The interest of santri in this race is also high, "explained Ustadz Iqbal.

The provision held on Saturday (9/12/17) was attended by 55 students of the school in Malang. Preparation is done more or less for two weeks before UAS odd semester yesterday. In the annual event, Tazkia IIBS Malang is the first time to follow the race and has shown significant progress. According to Ustadz Iqbal, as the beginning of Tazkia IIBS Malang students are quite ready to compete in a race similar to the international level. "10 escaped santri are the successes that & nbsp; can measure the ability of santri in joining international mathematics competition, "he said.

  10 santri who won the medal were invited to attend the mathematics competition in Bangkok, Thailand on February 20, 2018.

p> In the future, continued Ustadz Iqbal, motivation to santri who are interested to continue to be improved mathematics.   In February 2018 there will be a screening of World Mathematic Invitational (WMI) which will then go to South Korea to follow the final round. "Hopefully students Tazkia IIBS Malang can also represent Tazkia IIBS and Indonesia to compete in South Korea later," please Ustadz Iqbal. (lil)

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